5th Workshop on Visualization for the Digital Humanities
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Making Sense of the Sea of Dashboards.
Michael Correll and Heather Froehlich
The role of the data-driven dashboard has shifted away from the idea of a panopticon: rather than being able to observe lots of different perspectives on the same idea, the data deluge makes them move into the role of spectacles to watch and observe from the perception of having fixed points of entry.
Data as material versus data as reason.
Paul Heinicker
If we only look at data as naturalised resource to be exploited and dissected driven by notions of efficiency and optimisation, we miss an essential chance to reflect the intrinsic motifs of artificial data production and, thus, a layer of critical analysis of data structures.
Ground Truths for the Humanities.
Yvette Oortwijn, Hein van den Berg and Arianna Betti
Ensuring a faithful interaction with data and its representation for humanities can and should depend on expert-constructed ground truths.
Using Visual Analytics for Preservation and Documentation of
Marginalised Perspectives.
Audrey Reinert and David Ebert
The Digital Humanities (DH) and Computer Science (CS) disciplines have a well documented diversity problem that directly and indirectly influence their ability to respectfully to incorporate the data products produced by and perspectives of historically marginalised groups.
Data is never raw.
Micah Vandegrift, Ashley Evans Bandy and Scott Bailey
DH+vis collaborations are marked by the double occlusion of the data’s constructed nature and their tactical deployment by humanist scholars.
The Necessity of Re in Re-Thinking, Re-Defining, Re-Imagining
Chris Weaver
The epistemological, technological, and social forces that precipitate representational finalities in both visualization and the digital humanities can and should be countered with shared ideological and methodological counterbalances that nurture representational evolution.