We invite contributions for the 2019 Workshop on Visualization for the Digital Humanities. This will be a full-day workshop taking place as part of IEEE VIS 2019 in Vancouver, Canada.
The purpose of this workshop is to propose new research directions in visualization for the digital humanities, to familiarize the visualization research community with the problems faced by digital humanities researchers, and to foster future collaboration between visualization and digital humanities research.
Despite the growing popularity of digital methods for research in the humanities, digital humanists are underserved by academics in visualization, and under-represented in visualization conferences. This is due to a number of factors:
- The differences in rhetorics of proof and discovery (and so differences in data culture and use) in the humanities as opposed to other, typically scientific or analytic fields where visualization research is commonly focused.
- The difficulty of performing task analysis and evaluation for many humanities questions, that may have no ground truth.
- In text visualization specifically, the difference between the needs of digital humanists (who perform close readings and critical engagements with texts) as opposed to more standard text visualization scenarios (e.g. text analytics on datasets for intelligence or social media analysis).
The focus of this workshop is on applied visualization in the digital humanities, as well as highlighting domains in the digital humanities with unmet visualization challenges. These applications and domains include, but are not limited to:
- Literature
- Philology and Linguistics
- Art and Art Criticism
- Political Science
- Performance (Music, Dance, Film, and Theatre)
- Cultural and Historical Studies
We are especially interested in a number of open questions in this space, including:
- The impact of visual analytics systems on research in the digital humanities:
- How can interactive visualizations support new questions, and new scales of research, in the DH community?
- How can we encourage DH scholars to seek out visualizations, or collaboration with visualization researchers?
- Characteristics of visualization for the digital humanities:
- How does visualization with a DH focus differ from general research in the visualization community?
- How do their user groups differ? How can debates in public humanities scholarship inform DH visualization practices?
- How can we remove obstacles for humanities scholars wanting to use visual analytics approaches for their research?
- How digital humanities research questions and tasks can push the frontier of visualization research:
- What challenges are there for developing systems with novelty in both visualization and DH communities?
- How do we evaluate visualizations where we lack ground truth data?
- How can we build bridges between salient issues in the humanities (uncertainty, interpretative complexity, critical theoretical approaches) and the conceptual languages of visualization?